Marothiley Gives Thanks to Libraries for Kids, Int'l

As earlier promised, Marothiley Primary School, shared pictures and short videos of their learners with the new books and using some of the new school supplies bought courtesy of the generous donations from Libraries for Kids Int'l. In an earlier article, we had mentioned that Libraries for Kids had sent funds to six rural schools in Kenya to help them buy books and school supplies.

The Headteacher, Mr. Nicholas Mutua had this to say to our founder Roy Austin. " I can't describe how the Marothiley primary school learners and their parents were happy when they finally received books and other teaching and learning resources. As (sp) a community we are very excited and happy, please receive our gratitudes. When (sp) we were budgeting we went broader (sp) towards addressing challenges that affect the teaching and learning process. So (sp) we bought a variety of things that support the learning process either directly or indirectly. These include; course books, revision books, pens, pencils, rubbers, mark pens, office glues, charts booklets, chairs, exercise books, sitting mats, office record books, paper punches, and files, among others. This has made us be in a very good foundation for learning to take place smoothly without many challenges. Please thank you very much for your donation, God bless you... "

To all our donors make it possible for us to support learning in rural Kenya, thank you and Kudos for sending your donations over 7,196 mi across the border to the communities that truly deserve it.


Libraries for Kids Int'l Making a Real Difference in Rural Schools in Kenya


Excitement Mounting for about 1200 Schools in Kenya!