Efforts to Support Learning

Many schools in rural areas have zero learning materials. For instance, Maritholey Primary School was recently started and it has learners from pre-primary to grade three. The head-teacher has zero learning materials and they borrow from the neighboring school which is about 6km away. In efforts to create a few learning tools with the locally available resources, the headteacher has organized for charts to be made out of sacks and yarn.

The production of these charts is very cheap and any stakeholder at the school is able to help with the process. After the layout of the picture is drawn using a mark-pen, highlighting the rest with thread and color to make it stick is easier. While these charts are not durable in the long run, the teachers were happy to receive teaching materials. With more resources coming from Libraries for Kids Int’l, it will be an amazing boost for this institution and others like it.


Roy Austin on Talk of the Town


Thank you Libraries for Kids Int’l For Being There For Us